
Rule Changes: Clear-Desk, Desk Rental, and Hazardous Chemical Safety Policy Updates

TL;DR: After going through due process, the desk usage policy has been updated to: explicitly state that un-rented desks should be cleared after use; that members have the right to move equipment left on un-rented desks to communal storage areas; which desks are currently rented/hot-desk/communal; and implementing standard COSHH practices.


Welcome Pip Shea to the Directorship

It was a closely fought race between Pip and RonĀ but in the end, the community rallied behind Pip to help bring her vision to the leadership at Farset Labs. When I hassled her for comment, this is what she had to say: Cheers to all who got involvedĀ in the recent election. I’m delighted to have […]


New Community Structure – Non-Executive Managers – Call for volunteers

At last month’s Town Hall, our proposal for the creation of a Non-Executive Manager (NEM) role within Farset was ratified unanimously by the community, and as such has been added to the Operations Manual (that link may break in the next few weeks, please let us know if we don’t notice it!). TL;DR NEMs are […]