News Weeknotes

Results of the Director Election

The director election for our fifth director ended yesterday (Monday 5th November 2018) at midday and the ballots have been counted. There were 34 cast ballots from 59 possible voters in this election, giving a 57.6% majority of normal members voting.  I am pleased to announce that Artemiy Kondratiev has been elected as our fifth director and wish […]

Events News Projects Weeknotes

A packed week ahead: ELI5, Christmas Party and Workshop Clearing

December is nearly upon us and with it comes a raft of Farset events! What better way to christen our new and improved Event Space? – Kicking off the month, we have our regular casual talk series, Explain it Like I’m 5, where some great speakers break down a concept they have experience with and present […]

News Weeknotes

Weeknotes 2015-48: OpenData and Lots of Network changes

Each week we’ll be publishing some of the interesting things that members have been up to over the past seven days. This week Ben and Bolster were up on the hill for the launch of OpenDataNI, with whom we’ll be working on a Hackathon in Early 2016. In other news, Dan has been working pretty much […]

News Weeknotes

Weeknotes 2015-47: Welcome to Weeknotes

Each week we’ll be publishing some of the interesting things that members have been up to over the past seven days. This is totally inspired by the same mechanic developed at DoEsLiverpool, and the code is open-sourced on my GitHub, and issues/bugreports/fixes are appreciated (I’ll eventually move it over to the Farset collection, once it’s battle-tested!). It’s […]